
+61 7 55940388

Weyermann® German Pale Ale Malt (from $3.16 kg)


Perfect foundation grist for all ales, but yields great results in lager-making, too.

also Suitable for Stouts, Porters, and Sours
Produced from quality two-row spring barley. Provides excellent body and pale color. Processed specifically for “English” characteristics.
Highly modified for use with both single- or multi-step infusion.

Low protein and glucan levels for easy lautering and high extract efficiency.
Provides excellent body, pale color, and complex maltiness to finished brew.
Flavor: notes of bread, died fruits and honey


Recommended addition: up to 100%

Enzyme activity: high

5.5 – 7.5 EBC
2.5 – 3.3 Lovibond