Now you can test and control all stages of your brewing and wine making process with the range of laboratory standard test equipment available to amatuers and professionals alike. No more guessing....knowledge is the key to success and consistency in your results every time.
- Refractometers (for brewing, winemaking and spirits)
- Hydrometers Baume, Specific Gravity, potential alcohol
- Test Jars & Pipettes, Scales and Measuring equipment
- Alcoholometers (for spirits)
- Ph meters (including pH indicator strips and pH papers)
- Johnsons ph test papers and indicator strips
- Thermometers: Digital, Bi metal Dial and standard thermometers
- Thermowells Probe protection
- Vinometers (for reading alcohol of wine)
- Test kits: Acidity test kits, water hardness test kits
- Magnetic Stirrers Erlenmeyer Flasks, Stir Barbs
- Scales and measuring Escali Scales