Q. Can I use this on a standard 10amp power socket in my house?
A. Out of the box this unit needs to be manufactured with a 15amp power socket. With that said you can convert this to a 10amp compatible device in two different ways. You can either:
1. Purchase a device like this Ampfibian Mini 15am to 10 amp adapter. If you do this you will be able to run the Digiboil however if you turn on all three elements you will trip the circuit breaker. For this reason you will only be able to use a maximum of 2 of the elements. (not all three)
2. Alternatively you can remove the cord and replace the cord on this device with a 10amp cord but if you do this you need to also disconnect the larger element so this will disabled in the unit.
So yes you can run this device on a 10amp power socket however only if you are happy to have 1300watts less power as a result.