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Lalvin EC1118 yeast (125gm packet)


125gm vacuum sealed sachet

125gm vacuum sealed packet original packaging


Saccharomyces bayanus


Lalvin EC-1118 is the original ‘prise de mousse’. It was isolated in Champagne and its use is validated by the Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne (CIVC). Its strong competitive character, its ability to ferment at low temperature, good flocculation and excellent alcohol tolerance, make Lalvin EC-1118 an excellent strain to be used in a wide range of applications (such as sparkling wines, fruit wines and ciders).

Oenological properties and applications
The fermentation characteristics of the EC-1118 — extremely low production of foam, volatile acid and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) — make this strain an excellent choice. This strain ferments well over a very wide temperature range, from 10° to 30°C (50° to 86°F) and demonstrates high osmotic and alcohol tolerance. Good flocculation with compact lees and a relatively neutral flavor and aroma contribution are also properties of the EC-1118. 

The EC-1118 strain is recommended for all types of wines, including sparkling, and late harvest wines and cider. It may also be used to restart stuck fermentations.

An excellent choice for champagnes and late harvest wines. Also a very good choice for dry whites.

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